We made two illustrative designs of a watch face here in Sunrise Yellow and the other posted separately in Black Night (the puzzle cuts are the same in both this puzzle and “Good Evening…”) The image just brings us joy due to its color and shape. We also needed to add our metallic cogs to the puzzle so please do zoom-in on the photos to see those pieces - the variety of those will change in each puzzle as we use all different parts that we acquire. We add those manually by twisting and screwing them in….it is a watch after all!
Approx 600 pieces (we counted 607 but we’re human)
PAR Time: 5 Hours 50 Mins
Artist: Sean Vecchione
Welcome L-Series to the PAR Puzzle family! The L-series is a laser-cut compromise to the timeless and untouchable class of our artisanal, hand-cut masterpieces. Just like our hand-cut puzzles, our laser cut wooden puzzles for adults come with a par time and are packaged in pictureless boxes. We can also create customized puzzles that feature your personal photographs of choice. If you are not yet familiar with the concept of “par time,” it is a predetermined time limit for puzzlers to compete against to prove they are “up to par.” As a very fast puzzler, one of the PAR Puzzle founders, John Nunes Henriques, created the concept of par time by timing his assemblance of each newly cut puzzle. Click here to learn more about how to get your very own laser cut wooden puzzles for adults.